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Bitcoin OG From 2016 Quits, Says Crypto Space Now Full of “Grifters and Scammers”

Tim intends to monitor the crypto space from the side and only tweet when he has sold his entire portfolio.

bitcoin trader quits

A long-time Bitcoin trader has decided to exit the digital asset space due to recent developments and the growing presence of scammers, grifters, and thieves.

In a tweet, Tim complained that the crypto sphere had become a “sad show of degeneracy,” which gets worse every month. He said this was due to the space turning into an open sewer of memes, garbage, liars, cheaters, and emotionally messed-up people.

“Worse in Quality, Worse in Coins”

Tim has been in the crypto space for eight years. He revealed that he liked Bitcoin because it was an alternative to the current financial system. With time, he became better at making more money, so he chose to stay and improve his skills to contribute to the community.

The trader said he made a decision to leave the space whenever he stopped enjoying Crypto X (formerly Crypto Twitter) or the digital asset space as a whole. July 18 was the first day he did not enjoy the space 100%.

According to Tim, the crypto sector gets worse in quality, vibes, and coins every year. A tweet he posted about his visit to Dubai showed him that 99.99% of individuals in space are “underdeveloped miserable sad human beings that will not get happier with more money,” only inner development, which Tim says he is serious about.

“I did my part, answered 1000s of dm´s, helped 100s of peoples by receiving them here, and you have 100s of free high quality articles on this account which can massively improve your life, do with it what you like,” Tim stated.

Bitcoin Will Not Change The World

Interestingly, Tim claims that about 20% of the most famous crypto influencers have secretly contacted him because of their misconduct; however, they continue their misdeeds barely a week after seeking his advice.

Tim believes Bitcoin is “pristine,” while other cryptocurrencies are the opposite. Despite Bitcoin’s nature, Tim insists the asset will not change the world or eliminate greed but can try to stabilize society.  

Henceforth, Tim intends to monitor the crypto space from the side and only tweet when he has sold his entire portfolio. 

“If you remember me by something, remember to look inside. Real wealth and contentment can only be found there,” he added.

Cynthia Ezirim

Cynthia Ezirim is a news reporter at Cointab who is passionate about Bitcoin, non-fungible tokens, and decentralized technology. She joined the crypto space in late 2022.